Tuesday, March 18, 2008

hey people.
this post is only to reply tags.


tommy: i've chilled ((:

zhengwei: LOL. if that worked, i'll make sure eric dill gives you a BIG present. HAHA. but it'll never work. so you wont be getting anything ;D

PJ: sheesh. MAYBE eric's cute?! wth man. not MAYBE but DEFINITELY!

delia: LOL! HAHAHA! then have you?!

olivia: okay i will. when i have time ((:

khalisah: OMG DID YOU PURPOSELY CALL HIM EDRIC OR IT WAS ACCIDENTAL? ERIC and EDRIC are sooooooo different from each other la. haha. obsess over him in maths class next time, till you get his name right! xD

okay byebye.

enjoy your day people!


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