Sunday, February 1, 2009

Oh gosh. I really hate Shanti okay! Because of her, I can't buy the star jacket from Esprit!

Ass. Ass. Ass. Ass. Ass.

Anyway, interesting things happened today. Interesting conversations I mean. Haha!

You know what?
I just realized what a jinx I am.

I was playing blackjack with my relatives earlier on and I kept losing money. And when I went off for a while to get some kueh bangkit to eat, my grandaunt helped me look at my cards and it turned out I've got double aces! WTF! I'm happy of course. But that only happened when I'm gone. And then, during the last few rounds, I finally managed to get an ace and a king but that was only because they changed the dealer.

Man, I suck.

Haha. Whatevs.

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